Our Approach
Admission Policy:
1) Suitable vacancy in the class.
2) Priority in registration list.
3) Recommendatory reports of the admitting student through staff.
4) Some very special circumstances to be considered on priority.
5) Special consideration can be given to recommendations, requests for admission received from alumni and the parents of existing students.
6) A child registered for admission is given priority in case of non-availability of admission immediately.
7) Academic year of the school starts in April and admission process starts in the month of January.
1) Introduction of the school.
2) Entry in the register – Detailed information.
3) Presentation through PPT.
4) Tour of the school for parents who show interest in admission and register for admission. The tour would give a glimpse to the parents of the facilities available & the; ambience of the school.
5) An interaction of the parents and the child with the Principal and the staff is arranged.
6) Provisional Confirmation is granted only after all the above procedure is completed.
7) Provisional confirmation is regularized only after the total payment of charges.
Discipline Cases:
The student may be expelled from the school on following grounds
1) Misconduct and moral turpitude.
2) Non-adherence to school rules and regulation.
3) Usage of contrabands/ narcotics/cigarettes/tobacco or chemical inhalants.
4) Failing twice in the same class.
Our Story
Required Documents:
1) Photographs of father, mother & child individually.
2) Original Birth Certificate/ LC
3) Copy of Passport of child ( for NRI students).
4) Copies of mark sheets/ progress report card of previous years of the child who is to be admitted.
5) Registration form is to be completely filled with all the details required.
Guidelines for Fees:
1) Fees are to be paid in two installments i.e. by 15th April and by 30th October respectively.
2) Late fee will be applicable after the due date.
3) Fee once deposited will not be refunded under any circumstances.
4) In case of non-payment of school fees within the prescribed time limit, the name of the student will be struck off the rolls. Such a case will be considered for readmission by paying readmission fee of Rs. 5,000, subjected to availability of seats..
5)School will send the bills at least a month before the due date of the installment, however if the parent does not receive the bills due to any reason, it is the parents responsibility to contact the accounts office and obtain a duplicate copy of the bill. “Bills not received” will not be accepted as an excuse for late payment.
6) The School reserves the right to strike the name of a student off the Roll or stop him/her from appearing for any examination including external examinations for non-payment of fees and other dues before the commencement of such examinations.
7) The school will announce the fee structure for next academic year by 31st January by putting it up in the school notice board and uploading on the school website (www.drkadamgurukul.com). Parents are expected to check the same from the above mentioned sources. Copies can also be provided by the school office on request.
Withdrawal Rules:
1) Admission is based on a yearly contract basis and parents are required to pay full fees for the year, even if the child leaves before the starting of the session or anytime during the term, for any reasons.
2) In any special case if the parents wish to withdraw the child, they can do so within a month of the admission where 50% of the schools fees will be deducted and remaining will be refunded.
3) Withdrawal after a month of admission, no fees will be refunded.
4) If a student remains absent without any information for a maximum period of two months from his last date of leaving the school due to sickness /family affairs or any other reason, his/her name will be struck off the school rolls. Parents need to update the school about the ward’s status regularly..
5) When a child takes admission in a particular class, it is by default assumed that he/she will continue till class XII, however a student may be withdrawn from the school at the end of the academic year on given notice of withdrawal in writing which must reach the school by 1st April.
6) On given notice of withdrawal in writing between 1st June to 30″June the school will be entitled to charge half of the annual fee of ensuing year.
7) If withdrawal letter is received on and after the 1st July in such case the parent will have to pay the full fee for the next academic year
8) If the student does not report back to School after any Vacation, Break or Outing or is not willing to continue in the school, due to any reason full academic year fees will have to be paid.
9) Please note that T.C. (Transfer Certificate) will be issued within one month from the date of submitting withdrawal letter provided all dues are cleared (if any).
10) All the belongings of the children, who are withdrawn, will have to be collected from the school by Parents/Guardians within 30 days of issue of the T.C. If these are not collected from the school as mentioned above the school will have the option to donate/gift all these items to suitable institutions or Organization.
Traffic In Campus:
For the safety of the children and residents of the campus, the school maintains strict traffic rules. Parents/ Visitors vehicles are requested to obey the traffic rules and speed limits. Any vehicle violating the rules may be asked to leave the campus immediately.
Smoking and eating tobacco or other beetle nut items is strictly prohibited within the School premises for the students, parents, guardians and visitors.
This is to certify that I Mr/Mrs.___________________(parent name) father/mother/legal guardian of ________________(child’s name) House No. _________ have gone through the rules and regulations and shall agree to abide by it at all times.